WiFi Woes and How to Solve Them for Cheap

Now that a vast majority of folks are working from home, a HUGE focus has shifted to home internet and the fun problems people experience. I feel like every other article I read anymore is about how you can solve your home WiFi issues with these 5 simple tricks… Ah, tech writing at its finest. In today’s post, I’m going to go over the basics of how your home WiFi works, and help you debug some common issues you might be facing. [Read More]

Computer Repairs You Can Solve On Your Own - Social Distancing/COVID Compliant

Having computer issues but prefer to social distance? In today’s post, I’ll go over some common problems and solutions that you can purchase on your own. No calling someone. No handing your computer off for a few days. You might be shocked how simple USB devices can solve the more common hardware failures you might experience. And yes, everything is social distancing compliant, woohoo! WiFi - It’s broken or you have bad signal strength With the vast majority of folks working from home, WiFi has recently become a very, very essential thing. [Read More]
USB  diy  wifi