Recover Your Data When Your Computer Stops Working (Basic Data Recovery)

Sometimes all you want is your data off your computer instead of fixing it. I get it. Some repairs are just too costly or maybe you were just ready for a new computer anyway. No matter the circumstances, data recovery (when the drive is working) is actually quite straightforward. You’ll just need a few tools and an adapter. In this post, we’ll go through (at a high level) disassembling your computer (desktop or laptop), locating the hard drive or solid state drive, and getting it connected to another computer for data copying. [Read More]

Migrating Your Computer from a HDD to a SSD

This is going to be a quick post about upgrading / migrating / cloning your hard drive to a newer, faster solid state drive. I plan to have a few more in-depth guides on this process, but this post will be a generic overview if you’re thinking of making the upgrade. The plan is discuss what you will need and what to look out for when purchasing a new solid state drive for upgrading. [Read More]

Tech Tips: Securely Factory Restore Windows 10

Happy holidays! You may have just purchased a new computer during the Thanksgiving sales and now you have a dilemma. What the heck do you do with the old PC? Many of you may choose to donate or sell your old system, but how do you get your old computer ready for sale? I’ve had many customers ask me over the years what they should do with a computer they are preparing to get rid of and today we’re going to tackle that question. [Read More]

Tools: Creating a USB Utility Drive (AV/Memory Testing, HDD Testing, and More)

The day will come when you get into a tough spot with your computer. Maybe something very specific is acting up, maybe it won’t boot altogether, or maybe it just has a nasty virus that won’t go away. In the end, what can you do when your computer won’t boot into Windows anymore? Well, today’s guide is aimed to assist in this kind of a sticky situation, What You Will Need In this tutorial, you will need a few things before we get started. [Read More]