Do you need anti-virus software anymore?

One of the more difficult questions I get from customers nowadays is whether or not they need anti-virus software on their computer anymore. Gone are the days of “viruses” and instead you have password stealing malware or ransomware or some other kind of “ware”. The days of pop-ups and junk software are mostly gone. They have been replaced with new kinds of cyber attacks that don’t rely on taking over your computer. [Read More]

Install Software the Easy Way! Set Up A New Computer in Seconds! Thanks to Ninite!

And our next make-your-life-easier computer tool goes to Ninite. Ever wanted to install your favorite browser, mail client, music player, text editor, anti-virus, and other software in one click? Well, I have on numerous occasions. Ninite makes it painfully simple to install a handful of common programs in literally a single click. I use Ninite to configure new Windows installations and to update software already installed on customer computers. [Read More]