Thanks for stopping by! I’m in the process of migrating blog platforms so expect some weirdness while I sort through migrating all old posts.

Migrating Your Computer from a HDD to a SSD

This is going to be a quick post about upgrading / migrating / cloning your hard drive to a newer, faster solid state drive. I plan to have a few more in-depth guides on this process, but this post will be a generic overview if you’re thinking of making the upgrade. The plan is discuss what you will need and what to look out for when purchasing a new solid state drive for upgrading. [Read More]

Tech Tips: Securely Factory Restore Windows 10

Happy holidays! You may have just purchased a new computer during the Thanksgiving sales and now you have a dilemma. What the heck do you do with the old PC? Many of you may choose to donate or sell your old system, but how do you get your old computer ready for sale? I’ve had many customers ask me over the years what they should do with a computer they are preparing to get rid of and today we’re going to tackle that question. [Read More]

Tools: Creating a USB Utility Drive (AV/Memory Testing, HDD Testing, and More)

The day will come when you get into a tough spot with your computer. Maybe something very specific is acting up, maybe it won’t boot altogether, or maybe it just has a nasty virus that won’t go away. In the end, what can you do when your computer won’t boot into Windows anymore? Well, today’s guide is aimed to assist in this kind of a sticky situation, What You Will Need In this tutorial, you will need a few things before we get started. [Read More]

Tools: Creating a Windows 10 USB Install Drive (For Backups and Re-Install Needs)

Ever been in a situation where you need a Windows recovery disk or just want to re-install Windows on your computer because it died? Well, in this post, I will go over the steps to create a Windows 10 USB Install/Boot drive that you can use to perform diagnostics and install a fresh copy of Windows 10. You will need a few things for this tutorial, but I will be providing links and explanations where needed. [Read More]

Install Software the Easy Way! Set Up A New Computer in Seconds! Thanks to Ninite!

And our next make-your-life-easier computer tool goes to Ninite. Ever wanted to install your favorite browser, mail client, music player, text editor, anti-virus, and other software in one click? Well, I have on numerous occasions. Ninite makes it painfully simple to install a handful of common programs in literally a single click. I use Ninite to configure new Windows installations and to update software already installed on customer computers. [Read More]

Eliminating Viruses/Spyware/Adware with Malwarebytes

I’m going to continue on with the theme of tool-related posts and bring you one on removing viruses, pop-ups, spyware, malware, and all those other scary virus-related words. In this post, we’ll cover in what situations you should use Malwarebytes and how to get it up and running. When should I NOT use virus-removal software? To start off, yes, there are situations when you should NOT use virus removal software to attempt to disinfect your computer. [Read More]

Using CCleaner (Part 3) - Tools

Welcome to the third installment of the Using CCleaner series of blog posts instructing you how to use CCleaner (and what the many features actually do). This post will cover the Tools portion of CCleaner which includes Program Uninstalls, Managing Startup Programs, Browser Plugins, and a brief explanation of the the extra tools in CCleaner. As always, if you are unaware of what CCleaner is, I highly recommend you check it out. [Read More]

Using CCleaner (Part 2) - Registry Cleaning

Welcome to the second iteration of Using CCleaner. In this section, I will explain how to use the Registry tab inside of CCleaner. This section will be much more sparse than the previous section because a lot of the information is overly technical. I encourage anyone truly concerned about what CCleaner is doing under the hood to check our their documentation which I will link to below. If you’ve never heard of CCleaner, it is a system optimization tool developed by Piriform. [Read More]

Using CCleaner (Part 1) - System/App Cleaning

CCleaner is one of my favorite tools when I’m doing almost anything on a Windows-based system. Today I will be going through the first tab of CCleaner and explaining what it all does. This is intended to be a multi-part blog series where I explain the different features of CCleaner. Let me explain what CCleaner is real quick before I jump in. CCleaner is a system optimization tool created by Piriform. [Read More]

Remove Windows 10 After Upgrading

Not everyone is in-love with Windows 10, and even though we just showed you how to upgrade to Windows 10 for free, it may not be your cup-of-tea once you finished the upgrade. Luckily, Microsoft included a way for you to rollback to your previous Windows Operating System within the first 10-days of switching to Windows 10. So, let’s jump into it… Removing Windows 10 (After Upgrading) NOTE: This only works if you upgraded to Windows 10 in the last 10 days. [Read More]